
Frankfort Kentucky



Guild Of


What is a Guild?

To fulfill the goals identified above, da Vinci Technical Institute has implemented a guild system which strongly categorizes courses, and weakly categorizes faculty members and students. The four guilds (Guild of Inquiry, Guild of Innovation, Guild of Presentation, Guild of Sustainability) identify the purpose of the skill sets acquired in each guild, and the constituent divisions identify the skill sets themselves. Each course is identified by a division within a guild. E.g. Video Game Production is in the Division of Automation in the Guild of Innovation, and faculty members will be associated with the divisions and guilds of the courses they teach. Students will be electively associated with a guild, identifying their preference over project focus, and also identifying which faculty members will be serving as their advisors. Projects will be publicized through each of the involved guilds, each with a separate focus on the relevant aspects of the project.

How does da Vinci Technical Institute prevent unnecessary separation?

The primary risk of the guild system is that it will encourage or enforce unnecessary separation of faculty, students, and ideas. To prevent this, da Vinci Technical Institute has implemented a number of practices to encourage cross fertilization of ideas:

da Vinci Technical Institute will host monthly project presentations for the entire school and community (a bazaar).
Before graduating, students must earn at least twelve credits from each of the guilds (at least 3 from each division). (Credits can be earned from multiple guilds for the same project.)

Faculty members suggest cross guild projects for continuous improvement of da Vinci Technical Institute at least once per semester.

​​​The Guild of Innovation trains students in the industrial methods of pattern making, prototyping, and production ...

GUilds ...

Guild Of


Guild Of


daVinci Technical Institute

Guild structure

What is the purpose of guilds?

The guild/divisions system does the following:

  • Identifies at least one faculty member for any given student who will be well suited to advise them on their projects and progress.
  • Delineates skill sets that students may wish to acquire.
  • Makes the skill ecosystem apparent to students and gives them experience working in a team oriented work environment.
  • Makes the need for collaboration apparent through the identification of multiple necessary areas of expertise.
  • Simplifies course selection and graduation requirements.

There are a variety of projects underway, including:

  • Robust and user-friendly access control with Tool Steward
  • Intelligent training with Skill Steward
  • Design of Explorable Games, like Minds Across Time
  • Interactive Pedagogy
  • Modeling human learning
  • Automated curriculum construction
  • Incentive structure optimization
  • Improved tools for 3d model creation

​Guild Of


educate students on longterm ubiquitous challenges such as providing food, shelter, energy, healthcare, community

empowers its students, and improves the quality of life for community members through delivery of designed ...

empowers students to extract knowledge from the world around them and trains them to reason ...